The continuous enormous development in the last two decades in city of Dubai in terms of population, infrastructure and road network led us in challenge in how to maintain the assets, sustainability, optimize and ensure the quality, rideability, maintenance program of the pavement assets. Based on the Vision of Roads & Transport Authority in the city of Dubai (RTA), which says; “The World Leader in Seamless and Sustainable Mobility”, and the Mission which states; “We provide seamless and safe travel with innovative, sustainable mobility solutions and services to make every journey in Dubai a world class experience”. Since both vision and mission of RTA aligned with Dubai Government strategic goals, we adopted the use of latest smart technology to survey the road network in Dubai and use effective methodology and maintenance program to preserve the road network assets and increase its service life and achieve sustainability.
Smart Pravement Survey Technology & Roads Assets Condition:
The use of AI and 3D technology in Laser Crack Measurement System (LCMS-2) helped us to detect precisely and quantify 19 types of pavement distresses with different severity levels and demonstrate the pavement conditions of all Dubai city network. In addition, road rutting and International Roughness Index (IRI) were included in the survey. Moreover, LCMS-2 lasers, HD cameras and 3D captured images rated 97% accuracy compared to human survey method which consume time and required more resources. With LCMS-2 we reduced the time consumed to conduct the task and human errors by survey
18762 km of Dubai city road network in only 5 months with efficient report, maintenance plan to maintain the current and future Pavement Quality Index (PQI). On the other hand, smart evaluation for other road assets was conducted by using the 4 HD cameras that attached with LCMS-2 equipment for instance, the condition of road marking lanes, road signs and road furniture.
Big Data Analysis in Pavement Management System (Agile Assets Software):
Based on big data and IoT technology, and the output of smart road survey technology by using LCMS-2, the analysis was done on distress types and its measurement that deducted by lasers and captured 3D images. Moreover, all data have been evaluated in Pavement Management System (PMS) by using
“Agile Assets Software”.
Intelligent Maintenance Plan:
Depends on the output from smart LCMS-2 data collection and analysis in “Agile Assets Software”, maintenance plan was created for road network in Dubai city in different scenarios to maintain the Pavement Quality Index (PQI) at most. In addition, the smart scenarios that were given in “Agile Assets Software” predict the road network condition and the required maintenance budgets to maintain the PQI in different levels based on the availability of budgets.